Where Workmanship Lasts a Lifetime
With our motto, "Where Workmanship Lasts a Lifetime," we promise reliable products built with the value and strength needed to last years and years without committing your time and money into multiple repairs.
When it comes to customer service, Alum-Line always goes the extra mile. We make sure your calls and emails are responded promptly to from a professional. Not only do we always have staff on hand to take care of our customers, but we also have a fully stocked parts department, a full service shop for repairs and installations, and a five year workmanship warranty—a repair form is even available online.
Since its beginning in 1986, Alum-Line has realized a steady growth in all aspects of its operation. To keep pace with the increased demand, Alum-Line has added additional manufacturing space 24 of the last 38 years. Total "under roof" facilities are now at more than 120,000 square feet. Not only has Alum-Line expanded its manufacturing space but they have also developed nationally. The increased sales have been a result of adding more dealers, with a total of over 200 across the nation.
Corporate Headquarters
Alum-Line Inc.
Highway 9 West
Cresco, Iowa 52136
Mon thru Fri 8am - 5pm
(563) 547-3247
Plant II is located in the Erickson Industrial Park, six blocks north of Highway 9. The firm also has a plant on Stock Avenue, about a block north of its headquarters and a manufacturing, shipping and receiving facility across the highway from the main office.
One of the biggest questions we get is, "Where are your prices listed?!" Unfortunately, we can't list any prices here for a majority of our products. The reason being is that so much of what we make is custom, and every product is different. An additional door, shark-hide, or extra features can greatly change the price of each trailer, truck body, or other equipment.
But no worries! Our knowledgeable sales staff is always available and happy to help get you an idea of a price for something you are looking for. Just call our number and we'll be happy to work on a price based on what exactly you are looking for. We look forward to supplying you with a great trailer.
Call this number for our sales staff: (563) 547-3247
Company History
The owner, Gary D. Gooder, started the company in 1986 doing most of the work himself: building, marketing, and delivering products like tack boxes, hog panels, and pickup truck accessories.
Although the small livestock producers were the first key customer of Alum-Line, the company has diversified and has entered other areas of the marketplace. Some of those areas include all types of trailers: including flatbeds, utility, cargo, auto and sport haulers, emergency and rescue bodies, contractor bodies and all types of tool boxes. Alum-Line's market is so vast that almost anyone owning a truck or has something to haul is a potential customer. With their ability to customize, the product can be personalized to the customer's wants and needs.
1986: Gary Gooder creates the Alum-Line name and the first products sold. They included tack boxes, hog panels, and pickup accessories. Employee number (1).
1987: A continuation of the company's first year with other products from other companies also marketed by Alum-Line. Start attending trade shows. Employee number (2).
1988: The first dealers are established and the first Alum-Line truck bed is built. Employee number (5).
1989: Alum-Line incorporates as its product line is expanded to include all types of custom aluminum products. Total sales reach $350,000 with the company building its first Alum-Line trailer. Employee number (9).
1990-93: Products are being improved; new and revised products are being added as the company realizes continued growth. A full line of trailers is now part of the product line. R & B Fabricators, located on Stock Avenue, has joined Alum-Line in expanding its trailer production. A new addition was added to the main plant as toolboxes continue to be a hot item.
1994: Sales have climbed to nearly $3 million as the company continues to grow. The site for Plant II has been purchased. Employee number (25).
1995: Spurred by increased sales in truck beds, Alum-Line again expands. This time the company starts construction of a new building at the Plant II site and also purchases R & B Fabricators and adds their employees to the growing list. Employee number (40).
1996: The Company hits $4.8 million in sales and expansion for the immediate future is completed. The company now has 40,000 square feet under roof. Employee number (50).
1997: A 4,000 square foot addition is added to Plant II for custom truck body and trailer production.
1998: A 2,000 square foot addition is added to the east side of Plant II for tool box production. Sales continue strong, reaching $5.2 million. The company now has over 150 dealers nation-wide. Employee number (60).
1999: Purchase of storage buildings adds 7,300 square feet for much needed inventory and raw material storage. Complete remodeling of corporate offices begins.
2000: New record for total sales of $6.1 million. Over 100 percent growth in fire/rescue body sales. A new wash bay and transportation shop adds 4,800 square feet to plant II.
2001: New positions added to Alum-Line include: plant manager, accountant, and sales staff. Development of a much more in-depth web site.
2002-2003: Plant II receives its fifth addition and 2,640 square feet is added to increase custom truck body production. An additional 1,400 square foot building is added for axle storage. An executive assistant is hired to assist the owner. Total square footage is over 60,000. Employee number (66).
2004: Plant III expansion of 7,400 square feet is completed. This is the second largest expansion in company history. This addition will house the truck body and tool box manufacturing.
2005: Purchased a 8,000 square feet building to be used as a showroom and transportation office and shop. An additional five acres purchased for future expansion. The large lot will be used to display product and for dealer/customer pick up. Total sales for the year are $8.1 million.
2006: The Transportation facility and showroom are completed after extensive remodeling. This allows for servicing our own delivery trucks and an additional location for truck bed installations. Total employment number (70).
2007: Alum-Line purchased a 4000 square foot building next to plant III. After extensive remodeling, the building will provide additional manufacturing space for tool box production. Sales for the year are $9.5 million; employment number (80).
2008: A total redesign of the website. Operations Manager position added. An additional 5 acres was purchased for future expansion.
2009: A down year from the economy, but Alum-Line sees only a 15% drop in sales. Expansion continues in new markets.
2010: New products added to Alum-Line including a small line of utility trailers, called Pro-Utility LTD. Several military contracts for boxes begin.
2011: Sales increase by 25% from the previous year, and more employees are hired. A new fabrication area is built in Plant II.
2012: Sales continue to rebound from the recession. The lot and building that is connected to the main Alum-Line Sales Office is purchased. Additional storage and employee parking help enhance the property.
2013: Construction begins for the new 7,500 sq. ft addition to the Alum-Line Transportation Building. The new building will be used for the growing demands for Truck Bodies.
2014: Our new Alum-Line Truck Body is in full production. Ford trucks begin manufacturing the new F-150 with aluminum components; they are finally implementing advantageous aluminum. Alum-Line installs $170,000 worth of solar panels. Alum-Line was filmed and featured on episode "A Tiger Chase and a Tight Place" (Season 7, Episode 15) on reality TV series Shipping Wars on A&E, with star Marc Springer of Snortin' Boar Transport. Marc has purchased several Alum-Line products and shares them on social media.
2015: Alum-Line expands its line of hydraulic dump and hydraulic tilt deck auto and skid load loader trailers. 3100 sq. ft of storage space is added to Plant II to be used for inventory, parts, and axle storage.
2016: Alum-Line continues to grow a large market for gooseneck flatbeds and "Hot Shot" trailers. Dog boxes and dog trailers are very popular. Alum-Line is endorsed by the National Upland Gun Dog Association. Additional employees are added to our team.
2017: The company wins NATM's (National Association of Trailer Manufacturers) National Green Manufacturing Award at the NATM National Convention and Trade Show in Florida.
2018: Construction is complete on 11,100 sq. ft addition to our Transportation Building. The additional space is for expansion of truck body and tool box production.
2019: With new addition, employment expands with more truck bodies and toolbox production. We are building more bodies for fleet accounts and OEM's.
2020: Alum-Line is considered an essential business as we continue to expand with our Fire, Rescue and Brush bodies. Also many government, municipality and military orders.
2021: Alum-Line has record year in sales! Another order of Military Boxes has been completed. Many government and military orders were added to our product mix. A new paint room addition was added at Plant 1. Orders coming in have never been stronger.
2022: We had a new record year in sales and also increases in our total work force. Exciting new areas of growth include Fish Tanks for DNR Fish and Wildlife agencies all over the U.S. Many specialized bodies and trailers were built with many repeat orders from past customers.
2023: Sales surpassed 2022 and it was a very good year. We started building our new "stand alone" 8,000 square foot building at our Transportation location. It is designed for material storage and manufacturing. We also added a new product called our "Cargo Popper".